
Adverse Drug Reactions due to Anti TB Treatment

What are the adverse drug reactions which may occur due to anti TB treatment?

Anti TB treatment is from at least 6 months for drug sensitive tuberculosis to up to 18-20 months for multi drug resistant and extensive drug resistant tuberculosis.

Some of the common side effects are as follows

  • 1. Gastritis and pain in abdomen
  • 2. Nausea and vomiting
  • 3. Skin rashes
  • 4. Giddiness
  • 5. Pins & needle sensation in hands and feet (Tingling / Numbness)
  • 6. Skin rashes and/or tanning of skin
  • 7. Depression
  • 8. Hypothyroidism
  • 9. Blurred vision
  • 10. Palpitation

What are the tests / work up that may be required in case of adverse drug reaction due to ATT?

  • 1. Complete blood counts
  • 2. Liver function tests
  • 3. Renal function test
  • 4. Thyroid function evaluation
  • 5. Electrocardiogram – ECG
  • 6. Nerve conduction study – NCV6
  • 7. Fundoscopy & Color vision (Eyes evaluation)
  • 8. Audiomentry (ENT evaluation)
  • 9. Psychiatrist evaluation

How to manage these adverse drug reactions?

  • 1. Visit your doctor if you are facing these adverse effects
  • 2. Do not stop anti TB medicine on your own
  • 3. Your doctor may advice some medicine to reduce adverse effects
  • 4. Some anti TB medicine can be taken with food or at time interval or at reduced dosage to avoid / reduce adverse effects.

Which are the side effects that require immediate attention to higher center?

Which patients are more prone to develop to develop these ADRs?

  • 1. Consume alcohol
  • 2. TB with HIV
  • 3. Elderly TB patients
  • 4. Anemic
  • 5. Taking medicines irregularly
  • 6. Suffering from other diseases
  • 7. Taking other medicines.

Consult your doctor to avoid drug interaction if you are taking other medicines.

Source: www.tbcindia.gov.in